Friday, April 23, 2010

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) Entrance Examination Notification 2010

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)

VIT University is fast gaining prominence as an Institution of International repute. The holistic model of education, conceived and enriched by its illustrious founder, Dr. G.Viswanathan, offers refreshingly new perspectives to young minds and facilitates the accomplishment of their creative talent. Its contribution in extending the frontiers of knowledge in critical areas as also in the regeneration of efflorescent of the community values is well manifest through its alumni who form a great chain of distinguished personalities throughout the world, occupying key positions in varied professional domains. VIT offers facilities that are exceptional in every way. The environment friendly green campus is home to a wealth of well equipped modern laboratories, a state-of the- art library, smart class-rooms, computing facilities for a new digital generation, excellent placement and training services and much more, to provide a perfect ambience conducive for growth through learning.

The national ethos of the University is reflected in the richly diverse student and teaching community transcending regional, lingual, religious and even national boundaries. Foreign students from Africa, Asia, Australia, England, Europe, Middle East and the United States provide an international aroma to this great seat of learning. VIT has long since been devoted to providing quality education in various Engineering disciplines of Science and Technology and of late proliferated into frontiers of Research as well. The MCA and M.Tech. Programmed, meticulously planned, are regularly updated to prepare students take on challenging jobs in the ever changing industrial scenario and to pursue extensive research work. The University strives at incorporating the latest technology in its academic curriculum, with an intention to evolve a new breed of Post Graduate Engineers endowed with both professional and application skills to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

• Admission to both MCA, M.Tech and Research programmes will be based on the Candidates performance in the Entrance Examination conducted by VIT University on 6th June 2010.
• The names of short-listed candidates selected to attend an interview will be published in our website: on 15th June 2010.
• Candidates selected to attend the interview will be informed of the date and time through the website and also through SMS if mobile number is provided.
• Candidates selected would have to pay a deposit of Rs.10, 000 at the time of the interview as an advance. This amount would be adjusted against their first year fee.
• This amount should be paid by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of "VIT University", payable at Vellore.
• Candidates who fail to pay the advance at the interview will not be considered eligible for Admission.

Details of the Entrance Examination Centers will be published in our website in the last week of May 2010.

General information
• Preference will be given to GATE qualified candidates with high GATE scores. However, candidates are advised to attempt the entrance examination to be on the safer side.
• There are few seats reserved for candidates sponsored by Research Organizations / Industries in the M.Tech. Degree programmes.
• Sponsored candidates are exempted from appearing for the Entrance Examination.
• Sponsored candidates would have to submit their applications through the proper channel in a proforma given in Appendix-IV.

The Entrance Examination
• The VIT Masters Entrance Examination will be held on Sunday, 6th June 2010.
• The duration of the Entrance Examination will be 2 hours.
• The Entrance Examination will be held from 10.00 am to 12 noon.

Important Instructions pertaining to the Entrance Examination:
• The examination room / hall will be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam. Candidates should take their seat immediately after the opening of the examination hall. If the candidates do not report on time, they are likely to miss the general instructions given in the Examination Hall.
• Candidates are requested to keep the Admit Card safely with them and bring it when they come to the examination. It should be produced on demand. A candidate who does not possess the Admit Card issued by the Institute shall not be permitted for the examination under any circumstances.
• Candidates should write their Registration Number (as given in the Admit Card) in the specified place in the response sheet.
• Candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall, after 10.30 a.m.
• Candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall before 11.30 a.m.
• Each candidate will be allotted a seat indicating his or her Registration Number. The candidate should find out and occupy the allotted seat. If this is not done his / her candidature will be cancelled.
• Candidates are not be allowed to carry any text material, calculators, slide rulers, log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, bits of papers, mobile phone, pager or any other device, except the Admit Card into the Examination room / hall.
• The test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Admit Card and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator.
• During the examination time, the invigilator will check the Admit Card to verify the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put his/her signature in the place provided in the Response sheet.
• The candidates shall bring their own Black Ball point pens of good quality. These will not be supplied by the University.
• After completing the paper and before handing over the Response sheet, the candidate should check again that all the particulars required in the Response sheet have been correctly written.

For download Application Forms Click Here


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