Indian Economic Service
1. General English -100 Marks
2. General Studies -100 Marks
3. General Economics I -200 Marks
4. General Economics II -200 Marks
5. General Economics III -200Marks
6. Indian Economics- -200 Marks
7. Interview -200 Marks
General English
Candidates are required to write an essay in English. Other questions will be designed to test their understanding of English and use of words. Passages will usually be set for summary or precise writing.
General studies
It includes current events, Indian polity, Constitution of India, History of India and to some extend Geography.
General Economics I
Theory of consumer’s demand, Theory of production , Theory of value, Theory of distribution, Welfare-economics, Concept of national income, Keynesian theory of employment are some of the important topics.
General Economics II
Concept of economic growth and its measurement, Characteristics and problem of developing countries, Planning, International economics, Money
Indian Economics
Basic features of the Indian Economy, Planning, Agriculture, Cooperation, Growth of cooperative movements in India, Industry, Labour, Money and Banking, Public Finance are some of the important topics.
General Studies: Magazines and general knowledge book of upkar is sufficient.
General Economics-I:
1. Micro: Koutsoyyiannis, Ahuja or any other good book.
2. Macro: Shapiro ,, Dornbusch and Fischer, Ahuja
3. For Mathematical Methods: class 11th and 12th NCERT Maths book is sufficient.
4. National Income Accounting: Class 12th book of CBSE- any one.
General Economics -II
1. Monetary: SB Gupta (For both) M L Jhingan and RBI Report.
2. International Economics: Soderston ; , Mannur or any other book.
3. Growth and Development: M L Jhingan, Meir and Baldwin., read any one or two latest book of Amratya Sen.
4. Statistics: Class 11th and 12th NCERT books along with some chapters of any graduation level statistics book or Gujarati-Econometrics book.
General Economics -III
1. Public Finance: Bhatia and one foreign author book.
2. Indian Economy: Planning chapter of Uma Kapila.
3. Environmental Economics: Any good books-only topic wise coverage.
Indian Economics
1. Indian Economy by Dutt and Sundaram.-topics wise coverage of syllabus.
2. Indian Economy: Mishra & Puri
3. Indian Economy: A N Agrawala
4. Indian Economy: Uma Kapila
5. Indian Economy: Economic Survey -Last two years
6. Indian Economy: Budget-3 years, Very important
7. Indian Economy: latest two Monetary & Credit Policy (mid term and annual). Latest data about CRR, SLR and Repos rate should be known.,
8. Different reports like Human Development Report, World Development Reports (available on net) and many other good reports including report and papers by United Nations Environment Programme will help in GE-III paper, as questions are highly unconventional in paper III of Economics.
9. Any good economy newspaper
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