Saturday, April 10, 2010

25 Lakh Jobs – The Biggest Ever

The biggest ever


  • The data collection for the National Population Register (NPR) will be completed in a phased manner by September. This will be the largest exercise of its kind in which approximately 80 crore people aged 15 years and above will be allotted a UID.


  • The whole exercise of Census 2011 will cost approximately Rs 2,200 crore while the NPR will cost Rs 3,539.24 crore.


  • Considering the normal growth rate of our population, India will be home to over 120 crore people by March 1 next year, the cut-off date for the census. That means roughly Rs 59 will be spent per person for this head and house counting and preparing the NPR.


  • In a country that has 35 provinces, 640 districts, 5,767 tehsils, 7,742 towns, 6,08,786 villages and over 24 crore households, the job is not going to be easy.


  • There will be 64 crore forms in 16 languages for two parts of the census and these will be printed at 15 locations in the country.


  • The size of the entire exercise can be gauged from the fact that over 21 lakh enumerators and four lakh supervisors are engaged at the grassroots level. The number of these enumerators is higher than the population of 82 countries in the world.


  • Over 25 lakh people will be involved in this exercise.Among them, over 21 lakh would be enumerators who will go door to door for headcounting and gathering other related information.


  • Census 2011 will cost Rs 7,000 crore, of which Rs 3,540 crore will be spent on the NPR and Rs 1,260 crore on the RGI's infrastructure. The amount spent on every citizen will be Rs 59.


  • India Post is being used for the first time to disburse documents printed at 15 different locations to 17,500 officers who in turn will distribute them to the enumerators at the grassroots level.


  • Ninety trainers will train 725 master trainers' facilitators who in turn will train over 54,000 master trainers. These master trainers will train enumerators at grassroots level.



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